Wednesday, 15 May 2013

The main objective

The main objective of "Georgia On My Mind" is to empower young people of both nations, using two main methods.

1. Workshops and discussions on issues including youth rights (millennium development goals), empowerment, active citizenship, EU enlargement, the Youth in Action programme and intercultural understanding.

2. Practical exercises, training and workshops to help young participants broaden their horizons in terms of the value of skills and competencies gained through volunteering and how to better present themselves in their CV's and job interviews.

A consistent theme running throughout the programme will be gaining an understanding of the natural environment and how we can look after the planet, showing that green industry will be a growth area in the future European economy. Since half of the participants are from UK urban areas, a special effort will be put on the value and utility of manual work and careers in craftsmanship. This is an employment sector that is not attractive to some young people but offers many opportunities to less academic young people.
Welcome to this new blog - Georgia on My Mind. 2020 Team member Trevor Keough is out in Georgia (Europe) doing a advanced preparation visit for a future 2020 Project - watch this space for photos and updates.