Wednesday, 28 August 2013

Memories of a fantastic trip to Georgia

It's almost been a month since returning from what I'm sure many of us can say was a truly phenomenal experience. When I was first told about the trip my first thoughts where about what an amazing opportunity this was going to be... until moments later I had to shamefully turn to Kieran and ask him where Georgia actually was ! Georgia is such a lovely country and everyone was just so welcoming. A couple of my fondest memories of the trip are of when everyone formed a massive human chain in the stream and along the muddy slopes as it felt that we were not only working together to help build the dam, but that we were all working together as a one big team. Other memories which I hold close are when we reached the beautiful waterfall as well as the hike getting up there, meeting awesome new people and how could I ever forget.... ¡ uno ! This trip to Georgia has not only given me new skills but has also helped me grow as a person. Saying goodbye to everyone was hard and I miss you all so much - but fingers ...and toes crossed that we will all meet again soon, whether as a reunion or for another round of Georgia on my mind !

Tuesday, 20 August 2013

Memories of Georgia

My initial thoughts of Georgia before the trip were that of a possibly dangerous and hostile place due to its lack of westernisation leading to a skewed confusion about the place to form. This fear was quickly dispatched during the trip as the warm hearted and welcoming nature of the people shone through as they upheld there traditional routines in there ways of life. My favourite memory of this trip was helping my team consisting of both British and Georgian nationals win a multiple stage scouting skills competition designed to help develop valuable life skills such as creating structures using knots and fire making. The team work demonstrated during these tasks was a truly heart warming experience of which I will never forget. This trip allowed for not only the development of life skills such as the development of team work and leadership in the creation of the scout camp development, but it also made time to develop strong friendships and memories of which leave me striving for more.                 My thanks go to everybody involved.  Matt

Monday, 12 August 2013

memories of an unforgettable trip...

When I first got told about the trip to Georgia... my first thought was "ooh the state in America?" Georgia, in my opinion is truly an under- rated country. From the moment we stepped off the plane we were greeted by friendly locals into a "city that loves you", the welcome we received reflected the friendly atmosphere we experienced throughout the trip. I have so many wonderful memories from Georgia that it would be difficult to write them all down, however some highlights were the hike to the beautiful waterfall, learning Georgian dance (which I still  practice in my bedroom) and meeting so many wonderful people, not just from Georgia but from the UK as well. I also enjoyed the work, and the sense of accomplishment after the grand opening of the path, which will no doubt last 1000 years! In conclusion, Georgia was a trip filled with new experiences, new friends and new skills.

Saturday, 10 August 2013

Memories and Goodbye

Georgia was a fantastic and a once in a lifetime experience (well hopefully not). There were so many good memories and excellent experiences. This was different from other projects I've been on because you could see what you were building and knew that it would "last 1000 years!!!" The best memory I have from this trip was team cement, we grafted and never stopped. Everyone who was on this trip will be missed but you know you can travel from Lands End to John O Groats and stop on the way for a break. First stop is Torbay where you will meet the pioneering scouts. Then through to Croydon where you can try one of the numerous Chicken Shops. After this you reach Harrow where Ed will show you paths "that will last 1000 years". After this you will reach Peterborough where you will go to a roller disco. Then a hop to the West to reach Wales where its a short climb up Snowdon. Then onwards to Liverpool where a tour of Anfield "where you will never walk alone" is a must. Onwards to Morecombe Bay where the Lifeguards will protect you. Finally a long stretch to Abroath to try the local drink of Irn Bru.
Hopefully this won't be a goodbye for long and we all have a reunion and go on more projects together.

Memories of Georgia

Hello Everybody it's Trevor from Momentum World. I met Ed & Keiran at the Janus Project conference on Thursday and they were telling me what a brilliant time you had. This was really satisfying for me as I have been involved in the idea and the planning right from the start, having met Dato when I was a trainer on an International Group Leader course in Austria last year

Now that you have been home for a week, I wonder what you are thinking about the Georgia experience and international work in general. I would be interested to see comments on the blog and Facebook. Best wishes to all.

Sunday, 4 August 2013

Back in Blighty

Participants arrive back in good old Blighty after a long journey and for some still a long way from home. Well done to everyone. Ed

Friday, 2 August 2013

Some other shots of the week

Official opening of path by ed and Ika the self proclaimed king of Georgia. 

Group shot in Tbilisi 

At the waterfall

At the waterfall and Tom turning so heads in Tbilisi

On the way home

After a great last night of singing and dancing a slightly sluggish set of travellers head off. 

Wednesday, 31 July 2013

Another important update....

After a incredible game of football Georgia beat the International UK team 2-1! The UK team are gutted, but spirits are still high.

We are all off to the waterfall to celebrate (or commiserate). Everything good out here, the sun is shining, the football pitch is finished and has been tested.

More detailed match analysis later. 

About this project...

This project has been facilitated and enabled through a partnership with Momentum World ( We are a not for profit organisation working with youth projects across Europe.

If you like the look of what we created with our partners at the Volunteer Police Cadets and Scouts maybe we can work with you?

Our 2020 Education programme is always looking for new organisations and supporters and is free to join. Please spend 5 minutes registering at people of any age can join and if you have a story to tell please create a group and share it with our membership which is currently reaching over 50 countries world wide.

2020 Education aims to address those bigger global issues by starting projects at a grass roots level, our aim is then to show the power of what young people can achieve with they are focussed.

Thanks to the amazing Ed Sherry for working so hard on this project and we are looking forward to seeing and posting some of the videos from the trip.

Paul (on behalf of Momentum World)


A big day on camp today as the Georgian flag was raised for the first time to lots of cheering.
Another busy day has just ended with lots of tired campers. The path is coming along slowly but very professionally, the football pitch is now cleared and the site is becoming flatter with lots of pothole filling.

The weather has been great with a couple of showers and we even managed to get a double rainbow

Team games this afternoon included volleyball, darts and tossing the caber, yes tossing the caber. Again the standards were high and the results very close. It was only the marching competition that was undertaken with 20 minutes practice (video to be uploaded when home) that decided the competition, with Clarissa's team pipping the others at the post.  I would like thank my very own Debbie Maggie, Kieran, for his fantastic score keeping.

The two tossing the caber winners were Ellie and Shatico pictured above.

The walk to the waterfalls is delayed as the heavy rain has washed away the footbridges but our hosts are hopeful that they might be fixed by Thursday, fingers crossed.

Monday, 29 July 2013

What a difference a day makes

Woke up this morning feeling fine.. ...

The sun shone all day and everyone worked hard making the path and football pitch. As you will see Kieran kept the cows away and everyone else worked well as a team. had a camping skills competition this afternoon and after a very close 3 rounds (believe it or not), it was finally decided by the boomerang  throwing competition with Vickys team coming out on top. a great effort from everyone.

This evening we have had the Georgian cultural evening with some great traditional dancing.

Everyone now heading towards bed, slowly.

Ran out of credit yesterday but hope to have enough fror everyone to update Facebook and email home.

Dont worry everyone is fine.



Tim makes a spade....
And Kieran chases a cow!
Or does the bull spot lunch..... to be continued

A treat for family and friends following this blog!

If you recognise any of these unusual characters, call the police! Under no circumstances accept any responsibility for them...
Aaaahhhhh ... and the puppies cute as well
More group photo opportunities
The smell from the toilets ....
Work in progress...
We are amazing at building scout huts!
Whatever you do don't wake up suddenly!

Photos from the week

There ha been a lot of rain, but the group is still smiling...
Making new friends over a glass of wine
Some of the amazing history of Georgia

Sunday, 28 July 2013

22.15 and the rain just keeps on coming. Not to worry we managed to get lots done today and everyone is in good sprints.

Tomorrow is another day around camp helping to sort out the campsite and there may even been an international game of football to watch in our newly created "football stadium".

I will try to give the rest of the team some time to update their facebook and email tomorrow but don't really want to take my laptop out of my tent in the rain tonight.

Good night to you all as we all sing together 'just another rainy night in........."

Ed on behalf of the team,

on the bus

we have internet

Hello everyone,

After 3 days we finally have internet access on the campsite.

Everything is going well and the team are fine and having a great time.

After setting off from the Scout Centre we arrived at camp at around 3.30pm to find that the tents had already been put up , however the toilet block was not yet finished. the were due to be finished by the morning

We had an afternoon and evening of introductions and a BBQ which was very nice. It rained like an old 17th Harrow scout camp but we all managed to stay dry from the rain but not from the local wine.

Friday- Toilets still not working. (Should be midday) Went into the village and saw the restoration project on the 4 buildings which took longer than expected due to unforeseen toilet stop for 50 people in one toilet. Wandered back to the site and the lesson for the day was map and compass. (Still no toilets or showers should be finished in the evening) It was starting to get very hot. British participants undertook their cultural evening which was a huge success culminating in everyone round the campfire shoulder to shoulder singing "What's the story, Balamory' (still no toilets or showers)

Saturday A day out in Georgia countryside. Starting with a trip to a very nice winery (11.30) then a church, a monastery and a swim in the lake. In the evening we went to the 'City for Lovers', Signagi where we had a very pleasant, if not slightly boisterous meal in a restaurant, before singing our way all the way home.

Sunday - rejoice, the showers are now working but only for the ladies and they ran out of water. (long story and no workmen on site)

Busy morning building a dam, a path and clearing srcubland for a football pitch. Just had lunch and the thunder is getting closers- so much for the factor 50 and shorts.

Signing off to keep dry. will update later with photos.

Ed on behalf of the team

Wednesday, 24 July 2013

1st bovey tracey scouts on tour!

Girls update

Update from all the girls - we are all getting to know each other and having a great time. We are keeping the boys in check!! Looking forward to our showers and pillows back here in 8 days time!!  

Off to the campsite soon :) looking forward to the next part of our adventure! 


The scout centre in daylight

Morning of day one. Weather is mild and windy but it is not meant to stay like his for long. Scout centre is very nice and I slept lie a log. Lets see what adventures today brings. Ed

First day in georgia

Early morning view of georgia - Matt


Ken(1st bovey tracey scout leader), why cant we have a tv like this in our scout hut?

Alex D.

First morning in geoegia.

Up nice and early this morning, 7am which is 4 am in the uk. Had a little wonder around outside this morning to get my first look at georgia in the light. I just cant wait for breakfast now.

Alex D.

The scout hut

the facilities here are amazing. i will be bringing a couple of ideas back for the bovey tracey scout hut.

At scout centre

We have arrived safe and well and are now settling into the scout centre.. A long day travelling but a warm welcome from Ucha and some nice hot food.  Ed


Please call home ASAP, this is not an emergency or a family illness but your parents need to speak to you as a matter of urgency. Please confirming comments you have done this - PAUL FROM THE MOMENTUM TEAM

Made it to the station

At Eurostar  and despite his best efforts to avoid getting on the train, Kieran arrives via, met Line , jumped off at northwick park as he had forgotten his passport, then via bus, train ( he missed the atHarrow and wealdstone) then taxi to London, he  and made with almost a whole minute to spare. Now that what I call a wing man. Kieran is pictured on the right proudly holding his passport. 

Early morning in Harrow

A very quiet and slightly grumpy walk to Harrow on the Hill station for the 5.30am train 

Good Travelling

Just a short message to all you intrepid explorers heading to Georgia today. Good luck, have a great time and safe home. I hope that this is the start of a longer term relationship between our respective organisations in the UK & Georgia and that we can all go on to do great things together.

Wish I was coming with you!

Trevor Keough - Momentum World

Tuesday, 23 July 2013

Bedding for early rise tomorrow!

Bedding down for the 5am wake up 
tomorrow awww ye - David

Relaxing before the off

Everyone getting to know each other over a cold drink. 

Getting some practice in

The British group practice their pioneering skills with the gel of 3 experts from the 17th Harrow Scout group. Thank you to big Pete, Kevin and Ben

Bags finally packed!

Bags packed! Toilet roll, sleeping bag, socks and toothbrush all included! Cant express how excited I am about leaving for Georgia tomorrow! What an experience... Not only meeting everyone who's going but also learning new skills to help in the future. I really do hope everyone is just as excited as what I am!
See you all soon!

Ed Sherry is getting there

With 6 hours to go until most of participants meet at the scout hall in Harrow, ed sherry the team leader, starts to get organised, after spending most of the week getting others organised.   Looking forward to the adventure and meeting new friends 

Monday, 22 July 2013

Pre trip blog (Ellie)


This is my last day of preparation, as I'm setting off tomorrow from Lancaster with another "Georgia goer"/friend. Initially I am feeling excited for meeting fresh faces, excited at actually going to Georgia and experiencing new cultures- as a couple of months ago i would struggle to place it on a map (luckily I'm a little more wised up now!). Also there's a strong prospect that we will be London at the same time the Duchess of Cambridge gives birth, not entirely sure why but I feel this also adds to the whole experience.
I am a little nervous that I won't be packed in time (see photo) and moreover that I will over pack (weight wise), but at the same time realise that it's a pretty pointless thing to worry about as i know I won't go to bed tonight until its done....maybe I should have started a little earlier?
Also wondering how everyones going to deal with the heat - I've no doubt that I will turn into one big freckle whilst everyone else will most probably come back impressively tanned. Anyway the last few sunny weeks in the UK have been good practice for this trip.
So grateful for this opportunity and I  can't wait to meet others and get going!

See you soon